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Our Vision, Mission, and Objectives


 To be one of the outstanding leading institutions, distinguished in various specialized engineering and scientific disciplines that satisfy the renewable society requirements and the rapid technological developments.


To Prepare technically oriented engineers and scientific researches , distinguished in their high standards of knowledge and intellectual ability that comply with the international sound criteria of accreditation and quality assurance for the engineering and scientific programs and full commitments of the professional ethics.


To Prepare technically oriented engineers and scientific researches , distinguished in their high standards of knowledge and intellectual ability that comply with the international sound criteria of accreditation and quality assurance for the engineering and scientific programs and full commitments of the professional ethics.

  • Provide well qualified graduates specialized in different engineering and scientific disciplines to serve and participate in achieving the needs and goals of the socio-economic development of the country and maintain academic staff for higher education institutions.
  • Concentrate on applied scientific research and its major role in the development and enhancement of the society, through scientific studies and consultancy work to the governmental sectors of mutual interest. Special attention is made to prepare high technology research programs that fulfill the requirements of sustainable development.
  • Encourage the establishing of very specific postgraduate programs for all engineering and scientific specialties.
  • The establishment of new trends in education and training to cope with the recent developments in science and technology in accordance with society needs via a specialized continuance center.
  • Pursuit towards the rapid development in information technology and communication through the attainment of many projects inside and outside the university such as consulting services, design and execution of several information and communication systems as well as electronic government.
  • Encourage the relationship and collaboration with international scientific centers and universities to exchange experience and promote the educational progress and fulfill the development goals.
  • Continuous evaluation and enhancement of all levels of academic programs, both under and post graduate, to match with the rapid developments in science and engineering fields.

Organizational Structure

The Organizational structure of UOT consists of the organizational hierarchy head represented by the President of the University of Technology ,VP for scientific Affairs and VP for administrative affairs as well as the administrative sections and units of the University in addition to (16) scientific departments, each department consists of many scientific sections and laboratories. The organizational structure of UOT also includes (15) academic directorates and (8) centers in addition to the other facilities like electronic services, theater, health center and kindergarten.

University Regulation

The Law of Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research No. 40 of 1988 (Amended), University Service law No. 23 of 2008 (amended) and the other instructions issued based on it.